
Source code for mmselfsup.datasets.data_sources.imagenet_21k

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import os
import warnings

import numpy as np
from mmcv.utils import scandir

from ..builder import DATASOURCES
from .base import BaseDataSource
from .imagenet import find_folders

[docs]@DATASOURCES.register_module() class ImageNet21k(BaseDataSource): """ImageNet21k Dataset. Since the dataset ImageNet21k is extremely big, cantains 21k+ classes and 1.4B files. This class has improved the following points on the basis of the class ``ImageNet``, in order to save memory usage and time required : - Delete the samples attribute - using 'slots' create a Data_item tp replace dict - Modify setting ``info`` dict from function ``load_annotations`` to function ``prepare_data`` - using int instead of np.array(..., np.int64) Args: data_prefix (str): the prefix of data path ann_file (str | None): the annotation file. When ann_file is str, the subclass is expected to read from the ann_file. When ann_file is None, the subclass is expected to read according to data_prefix test_mode (bool): in train mode or test mode multi_label (bool): use multi label or not. recursion_subdir(bool): whether to use sub-directory pictures, which are meet the conditions in the folder under category directory. """ IMG_EXTENSIONS = ('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.ppm', '.bmp', '.pgm', '.tif', '.JPEG', '.JPG') CLASSES = None def __init__(self, data_prefix, classes=None, ann_file=None, multi_label=False, recursion_subdir=False, test_mode=False): self.recursion_subdir = recursion_subdir if multi_label: raise NotImplementedError('Multi_label have not be implemented.') self.multi_lable = multi_label super(ImageNet21k, self).__init__(data_prefix, classes, ann_file, test_mode)
[docs] def load_annotations(self): """load dataset annotations.""" if self.ann_file is None: data_infos = self._load_annotations_from_dir() elif isinstance(self.ann_file, str): data_infos = self._load_annotations_from_file() else: raise TypeError('ann_file must be a str or None') if len(data_infos) == 0: msg = 'Found no valid file in ' msg += f'{self.ann_file}. ' if self.ann_file \ else f'{self.data_prefix}. ' msg += 'Supported extensions are: ' + \ ', '.join(self.IMG_EXTENSIONS) raise RuntimeError(msg) return data_infos
def _find_allowed_files(self, root, folder_name): """find all the allowed files in a folder, including sub folder if recursion_subdir is true.""" _dir = os.path.join(root, folder_name) data_infos = [] for path in scandir(_dir, self.IMG_EXTENSIONS, self.recursion_subdir): path = os.path.join(folder_name, path) data_infos.append(path) return data_infos def _load_annotations_from_dir(self): """load annotations from self.data_prefix directory.""" data_infos, empty_classes = [], [] folder_to_idx = find_folders(self.data_prefix) root = os.path.expanduser(self.data_prefix) for folder_name in folder_to_idx.keys(): infos_pre_class = self._find_allowed_files(root, folder_name) if len(infos_pre_class) == 0: empty_classes.append(folder_name) data_infos.extend(infos_pre_class) if len(empty_classes) != 0: msg = 'Found no valid file for the classes ' + \ f"{', '.join(sorted(empty_classes))} " msg += 'Supported extensions are: ' + \ f"{', '.join(self.IMG_EXTENSIONS)}." warnings.warn(msg) return np.array(data_infos, dtype='S36') def _load_annotations_from_file(self): """load annotations from self.ann_file.""" data_infos = [] with open(self.ann_file) as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line == '': continue filepath, gt_label = line.strip().rsplit(' ', 1) # info = ImageInfo(filepath, int(gt_label)) data_infos.append(filepath) return np.array(data_infos, dtype='S36')
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