
Source code for mmselfsup.utils.gather

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist

[docs]def gather_tensors(input_array): """Gather tensor from all GPUs.""" world_size = dist.get_world_size() # gather shapes first myshape = input_array.shape mycount = input_array.size shape_tensor = torch.Tensor(np.array(myshape)).cuda() all_shape = [ torch.Tensor(np.array(myshape)).cuda() for i in range(world_size) ] dist.all_gather(all_shape, shape_tensor) # compute largest shapes all_shape = [x.cpu().numpy() for x in all_shape] all_count = [int( for x in all_shape] all_shape = [list(map(int, x)) for x in all_shape] max_count = max(all_count) # padding tensors and gather them output_tensors = [ torch.Tensor(max_count).cuda() for i in range(world_size) ] padded_input_array = np.zeros(max_count) padded_input_array[:mycount] = input_array.reshape(-1) input_tensor = torch.Tensor(padded_input_array).cuda() dist.all_gather(output_tensors, input_tensor) # unpadding gathered tensors padded_output = [x.cpu().numpy() for x in output_tensors] output = [ x[:all_count[i]].reshape(all_shape[i]) for i, x in enumerate(padded_output) ] return output
[docs]def gather_tensors_batch(input_array, part_size=100, ret_rank=-1): """batch-wise gathering to avoid CUDA out of memory.""" rank = dist.get_rank() all_features = [] part_num = input_array.shape[0] // part_size + 1 if input_array.shape[ 0] % part_size != 0 else input_array.shape[0] // part_size for i in range(part_num): part_feat = input_array[i * part_size:min((i + 1) * part_size, input_array.shape[0]), ...] assert part_feat.shape[ 0] > 0, f'rank: {rank}, length of part features should > 0' gather_part_feat = gather_tensors(part_feat) all_features.append(gather_part_feat) if ret_rank == -1: all_features = [ np.concatenate([all_features[i][j] for i in range(part_num)], axis=0) for j in range(len(all_features[0])) ] return all_features else: if rank == ret_rank: all_features = [ np.concatenate([all_features[i][j] for i in range(part_num)], axis=0) for j in range(len(all_features[0])) ] return all_features else: return None
[docs]@torch.no_grad() def concat_all_gather(tensor): """Performs all_gather operation on the provided tensors. *** Warning ***: torch.distributed.all_gather has no gradient. """ tensors_gather = [ torch.ones_like(tensor) for _ in range(dist.get_world_size()) ] dist.all_gather(tensors_gather, tensor, async_op=False) output =, dim=0) return output
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